Decoding Eurocode

Best in class solutions with International ETA approvals

On 1st April 2015, Eurocode design standard has replaced British Standards as Singapore’s prescribed building codes for structural design. (BCA_Newsroom). This also means that there is now a specific set of codes that also addresses the design method post-installed rebar and anchors. 

In EC2 Clause, it states that the design methods for post-installed rebar connections must follow EC2/Technical Report 023. And for post-installed anchors, the design must follow ETAG 001 Annex C . Thus, the design methods for the two applications are completely different:

Structural Rebar connections - EC2 / TR 023

Structural Rebar connections and extensions can be safely designed like cast-in connections utilizing the design provisions provided within Eurocode 2 and EOTA TR023

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Work dustless with the ETA approved SAFEset system for a healthy and reliable working environment

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Anchor connections - ETAG 001 Annex C / TR 029

The European Technical Approval Guideline 001 “Metal Anchors for used in Concrete” sets out the basis for assessing anchors to be used in concrete.

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Hilti Technical Data

  • ETA for cracked or uncracked concrete (for both mechanical adhesive anchors)
  • 2 hours fire resistance
Mechanical Anchor Diameter Range M6 - M24  
Threaded Rod Diameter Range M8 - M39  
Rebar Diameter Range M8 - M32  
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BS8539 Your Roles and Responsibilities for Post-Installation

BS8539 is the code of practice for selection and installation of post-installed anchoring. It is also linked to the relevant European regulations, especially with respect to selecting products with the CORRECT European Technical Approval or Assessment’s (ETA) for the application. 

Who does it affect?

Everyone; designers, specifiers, contractors, installers, testers, manufacturers and suppliers. 

What does it mean for contractors


  1. Ensure that the execution of the jobsite is according to the specifications.

  2. Ensure that the installer is capable of correctly installing the anchor.

  3. Should ensure that the change management procedure outlined in clause 10 is followed when an alternative anchor is proposed to that specified.

  4. If aware of any changes to the assumptions made by the specifier in designing / selecting the specified anchor, should Inform the specifier and await instructions


Hilti offers best in class solutions with international ETA approvals

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Structural conections with post-installed rebar

(e.g. extension/connection to walls, slabs, stairs, columns, foundations, etc.)

HIT-RE500 Epoxy Adhesive Anchor designed to meet the most stringent standards of the latest building codes.

  • Especially suitable for large-diameter and/or deep embedment depths ETA for rebar:
  • Approved rebar size is stated within ETA on page 3

Anchoring structural steel connections

(e.g. steel columns, beams, etc.)

HIT-HY200-R achieves the highest bond strength of all adhesive mortar.

  • Fulfills the requirements of the most demanding ETA C2 approvals for seismic applications
  • ETA for anchor (cracked/ uncracked concrete): Approved anchor size is stated on cover page

Hilti can offer support from design to installation.

  • FREE calculation software and design with PROFIS
  • Installation training for contractors on-site to ensure safe use On-site support
  • Hilti provides 2.5% complimentary on-site pull-out test

Get in touch with Hilti for the above complimentary services!


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